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Orphaned by Blogger

Well, it was a good run.  I was one of the first people to use Blogger, starting in late 1999, and although I experimented with other blogging software, Blogger was my primary publishing tool until May, 2010.  The Google folks made a business decision to eliminate FTP publishing.  I had the option of migrating to blogger.com, or another service, but I already have my own server, so I’m converting to WordPress.

I’m running WordPress 3.x beta, and I’m still working at importing my Blogger content.  Until then, it will still be available through Google searches, and at https://paulbegley.com/blogger.html.


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  1. Pierluigi
    2010-08-06 22:38 | #1

    Hi Paul,
    I found out on SourceForge one of your posts dated almost one year ago, regarding Go Contact Sync.
    You wrote that you discovered how to force contact in gmail: Delete gmail contacts and then sync.
    I did it, but nothing happens, and now I’m in a big mess because I deleted all my contacts on my Milestone Android mobile!!
    Can you help me?
    Thanks in advance,
    Pierluigi from Italy

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