Lots of people are getting Android phones. My last update was in January, so it’s overdue. The most compelling feature…
Spam to my server doubled yesterday and appeared to triple today. This does not bode well. Bad things are happening…
NYC Marathon tomorrow-I saw the marathon 30 years ago with Julie Anderson when she lived in NYC., but I have…
NASA publishes viewing information for ISS, Shuttle, and Progress based on your location. Link below for Marlton NJ http://bit.ly/akCGzK
RT @adfskitteh QOTD: "Palin-O’Donnell 2012. Because that Mayan Prophecy isn’t just going to fulfill itself, you know."
Sitting in the yard savoring one finger of Bourbon with Zoe, watching wispy clouds pass by the moon. Not many…
Opt out of 60 ad networks-http://zd.net/bvJxLa - I was only able to opt out of 27, but I already filter…
Google Chrome Extension - Facebook Disconnect - http://bit.ly/9rag1a - blocks all traffic from third-party sites to Facebook servers.
Oops - forgot my Mole Day link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A56JN_MSLlo&fmt=22