My Droid got the 2.2.1 update this morning, and I'm way too excited about it. Time for more coffee, reading…
RT @laurenweinstein: The "hottest" product at DO read the comments. <- maybe too much coffee this morning?
Tell Obama: Don't cave on unfunded tax cuts for the rich! It hasn't created jobs in eight years! Send a…
@Comcast blocking Netflix? Tell @FCC to stop the abuse. It's sad that all 95 supporters of Network Neutrality lost their…
My Twitter Fans: @twisst39 @twisst40 @twisst31 @twisst45 @twisst44 @twisst22 @twisst4 @twisst20. Find yours @
I correctly answered 12 out of the 12 possible questions, on the Pew News IQ Quiz!
George Carlin speaking from the grave about the #TSA Why don't they ban people with big, strong hands from flying?…
I'll stop bitching about the TSA soon. Maybe. TSA Likely To Face Multiple Sexual Assault Charges For New Searches -…
TSA - I don't want to go through the scanner, I don't want to be felt up by another guy.…
Catching up on outdoor jobs. Battery change in the Saab was a trial, and I think I cracked a rib…