Science can be fun. Fig Newton: The force required to accelerate a fig one meter per second.
Fig Newton: The force required to accelerate a fig 39.37 inches per sec.
Technical tip-when calling a support line if you need to talk to a human, start using four letter words-you will…
US subpoenas Wikileaks tweets - - I've been following @wikileaks - do they think 635,610 of us are terrorists?
1/1/2011-no heat this morning, replaced air filter. Oil cap 'missing' on van. Family auto maintenance training video on YouTube this…
1/1/2011 washed the cars with a new kinkless (not so much) hose and nozzle ( . I'm not getting used…
I love end-of-year lists. Today we have "100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science" be sure to…
I just helped Katie setup a web site ( While I’m walking through the process, I thought it would be…
Love the DVR. Watching Christmas Specials with Barb. The first is Dr. Who "A Christmas Carol" ( with the new…