RT @buckwoody: Hint: When an engineer says something is "non-trivial," it's like a pilot calling a Cat5 Hurricane "a bit…
RT @fivethirtyeight: Compromise: raise the debt ceiling in blue states, pass "cut, cap and balance" in red states.//sounds good to…
RT @neiltyson: If US Congress were comprised of 1/2 business people, 1/4 scientists, & 1/4 engineers, there'd never have been…
Epic Stage 20 of TdF today thx to DVR, epicTour. Watching isn't the same as riding. Will stop eating 8000…
Awsesome deal and great product - you can buy Acronis True Image Home 2011 for only $29.99. Includes 3PC license...…
RT @k_begz: Why is everyone yelling?! // when you love someone sometimes it gets loud (that's my story, and I'm…
Post to paulbegley.com: http://tinyurl.com/5r9wsmm - Google+ invites
The Kermit Project is shutting down. Kermit is a file transfer/emulation package critical to business adoption of UNIX - http://t.co/apAVt7q
Microsoft Security Essentials 2.1 available - no details yet, but I'm updating all my home systems this weekend - http://t.co/7a1xLjw